Monday, January 29, 2024

Medieval miniature tower dollhouse Wolftalehall - the beginnings

In the summer of 2020 I purchased two identical wooden crates, which would become the basic structure for a medieval tower dollhouse, with a wee library in it, built from scratch.

wooden crate to be turned into a dollhouse

Since buying the wooden boxed many ideas, visions and plans have been forming in my head, just waiting to be realized and assembled. About the history of the boxes I have been told that they have travelled back and forth from Austria to Egypt for a long time, and the stickers that had been attached to the boxes confirmed the story. They had been built as very strong and long lasting crates. 

the boxes have been built as very strong and long lasting crates.

the boxes have been built as very strong and long lasting crates.

In a first step I have removed metal handle, angle brackets, locks, lids and aircargo stickers from the boxes to prepare them for the start of the dollhouse works. 

removing metal handles

removing angle brackets

Removing aircargo stickers 

removing aircargo stickers








One of the two boxes with all metal and stickers removed.

one of the two bare boxes

It has been a long way from that day, but still there is a lot of work to do until medieval Wolftalehall dollhouse will be finished (or even 'look' like a dollhouse). Follow this blog for more stories of it's building and updates of the most recent works. 

You can also follow Wolftalehall on Instagram:

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Building a tiled stove for the 1:12 scale miniature art gallery

​Hello fellow miniaturists, 

one of my actual projects is the 1:12 scale miniature art gallery. And today‘s post is about the fireplace: 

The original plan for the art gallery was to install an open fireplace on the right hand wall… well let‘s say it worked out differently… 

Here you see the first miniature version, which was an open fireplace: 

the original version of the open fireplace









But dear fellow miniaturist joybrown795 on Instagram pointed out if „a real art gallery would have an open fire burning?“ and that an open fireplace „would possibly bring smoke damage and soot to the artworks“. 

Point well made! So I thought about it and decided for a tiled stove instead. And as it will be a miniature art gallery - the tiled stove should be an artistic one… 

The beginnings of building the tiled stove in scale 1:12: 

I‘ve started off with a basic version of the tiled stove made in balsa wood, with an opening on top: 

balsa wood work

working on the bottom box of the tiled stove

closing the bottom box









Working on the tiled miniature stove

Building up the tiled miniature stove









Size testing in the miniature art gallery - Frog Fergus approves so far

Size testing in the miniature art gallery - Frog Fergus approves so far

Cutting an opening into the front

cutting an opening into the front










Cutting the first piece of the top part

cutting an opening into the front

Top part fits

top part fits

top part fits









Done, the basic structure of the tiles stove is ready. 

done, the basic structure of the tiles stove is ready








Frog Fergus thinks it‘s great so far! 

Frog Fergus thinks it‘s great so far!








The wall behind the fireplace has to be adapted to the new plan still. 

Stay tuned for miniature art gallery and tiled stove updates! 

Have a great day! 

Danielle 😊

Medieval miniature tower dollhouse Wolftalehall - the beginnings

In the summer of 2020 I purchased two identical wooden crates, which would become the basic structure for a medieval tower dollhouse, with a...